The Wilmot Civic Action Network unites community groups and neighbours to advocate for transparency, accountability and fiscal responsibility from elected municipal and provincial leaders, representing the thousands of citizens whose voices have been ignored. We are dedicated to restoring transparency, accountability and good governance, fostering collaboration, and promoting a sustainable future for all. Our goal is to build a strong, engaged community that holds its leaders accountable for protecting our essential farmland, surface water and groundwater, which are crucial for water supply, food supply, and a healthy thriving community
Quality of Life
Advocate for policies that enhance the well-being of all community members.
Promote the preservation and sustainable use of farmland, parks and natural recreational spaces.
Cultivate a prosperous vibrant, healthy community with a strong sense of belonging, culture, and welcoming identity.
Transparent Government
Demand transparency and accountability from elected municipal and provincial leaders.
Ensure open communication and access to reports, studies, and information to rebuild trust.
Advocate for ethical governance practices and transparent decision-making processes.
Financial Accountability
Promote fiscal responsibility in local and regional governance that clearly defines property tax implications.
Advocating for the government to adhere to established sustainable planning practices and policies.
Ensure public funds are used efficiently and effectively for the benefit of the community.
Environmental Responsibility
Protect essential farmland, surface water, and groundwater.
Advocate for sustainable environmental practices and policies.
Promote initiatives for a healthy, sustainable future by adhering to previous planning and protections